MasterCLASS SMD Layout

About this event

Date and time
21 Jan 2025 19:00 - 28 Jan 2025 22:00
Carre 3G

MasterCLASS SMD Layout

Are you an EE-student and you still haven't made any PCBs?!

To many it may come as a surprise that PCB layout and assembly are not part of the standard curriculum of Electrical Engineering. This while it's one of the most fulfilling, fun and recognizable parts related to electronics in general.

This is why Scintilla's MasterCLASS is organising a PCB layout Course in cooperation with Sintecs!
During this course Sintecs BV (Experienced compagnies in PCB layout) will be guiding us through the process of going from schematic to product machining by providing a presentation on how to plan and design your own PCB layout.


There are 2 evenings: 2025-01-21 and 2025-01-28
Both days we will start around 1900 and finish before 2200 (max 2230)
BOTH days need to be followed, else you will only get half a course

This course is about PCBs.
During part 1&2 (3&10 Janurary) you will learn about layout: how to go from schematic to the actual placing of the components on the board and how to wire them up properly. What do you have to keep in mind? First there will be a general presentation about some of the ins and outs of board-layout then after a short break we will move into trying to make our own layout for a 433MHz transmitter and receiver.
The goal is mostly to try to create a proper design.
This evening will be hosted by Stefan Schiphorst & Henk Mengerink from Sintecs who togeter have over 25 years of experience in designing PCBs.


You do have to put in some effort for this course. We'd like to spend most of our time on the theory and practice of the layout-process. To keep basic questions about tooling to a minimum we ask you to install Altium beforehand and play with it a bit:


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