Study Tour Singapore Malaysia

About this event

Date and time
13 May 2024 14:31 - 31 May 2024 23:55

Study Tour Singapore Malaysia

Scintilla is planning to go on a Study Tour in the summer brake of 2025. During this Study tour a lot of interesting companies and universities in a foreign country will be visited and it's culture will be explored. Leading up to the Study Tour is a year of preparation where each participant takes part in organization and taking cases for companies, which leads to a lot of working experience.

What is a Study Tour?

A Study Tour is a three weeklong trip to explore a foreign country and see how Electrical Engineering is relevant there. This three-week visit is filled with university visits, company visits and cultural activities. As a participant you arrange funding through cases & sponsoring and you organize part of the tour through committee work.

During the trip and the year leading up to it you gain experience with organizing a big international trip, working together in a big group of students, working for companies and new cultures & work environments.


The Destination is Singapore and Malaysia, which parts will be visited is determined by the participants themselves.




May 2024


31st of May 2024

Deadline of application

3rd to 12th of June 2024


24th of June 2024

Hear if you are selected

26th of June 2024, 12:45-13:30

Intro talk with all participants and committee division

July 2024 – June 2025

Working on committee tasks and cases

26th of July 2025 to 16th of August 2025

Study Tour!

August – October 2025

Finishing up


There are some costs connected to the study trip. From the participant there is expected:



Chance of refund



1st of September 2024


Travel & early costs


1st of December 2024

Goal is to spend all, but possibly small refund

Cultural & hotels


1st of May 2025

Refunded when not necessary

Unforeseen costs

Next to this the study tour gets some money for each participant. The study tour gets no more than €400 per participant of subsidy from the University, if the participant hasn’t received study tour subsidy before and is within nominal + 1 years of their study. But there are cases where exceptions to these rules are made. If you are not eligible for this grand, you will need to pay this yourself. The study tour also earns money from the cases the participants do. In total you need to do 120 hours of case-studies.


The study tour is organized by all the participants themselves. This is done by a central supporting board making sure everything is going as planned and 4 committees. The 4 committees are:

  • Admin: creates the budget, overview of expenses and keeps track of the bank account
  • Acquisition: contact with companies, arranges cases
  • Graphics: creates website, brochure/folder, design theme
  • Travel: arranges transport, accommodation, travel schedules, activities and visits


To participate there are a few requirements:

  • Participant must have >90 ECTS before applying
  • Participant must be a fulltime student of a relevant study at the University of Twente in the academic year 2024/2025
  • Participant must be willing to put in time and effort for:
    • Committee work
    • Case studies

Sign-up procedure

The sign-up deadline is the 31st of May. To apply you have to send your CV and motivation letter (incl. ECTS) to . The interviews will be from the 3rd to 12th of June 2024. After you have sent us an email, we will send a link where you can schedule your interview and give you additional information such as the framework agreement. This agreement will be near identical to the final contract. If you are selected you will hear this at the 24th of June. The first activity will be the 26th of June during the brake, so save the date if you plan to apply.


If you have any questions about the procedure, the preparation or the trip you can email


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